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(38 People Likes) Is there a real dragon in the world, not a puppet, statue or painting?
you mean a creature that breathes smoke and fire, that has wings and a lust for killing, and that can only be ruled by a pure heart, yes there is. His name is
(90 People Likes) Which jobs will soon be gone?
immediate future. Here are examples of some jobs that won’t be needed (in some parts of the world, at least) in fifty years time: Taxi/Truck Driver – Google’s self-driving cars are going to kill this segment so badly. Factory workers – If we make advances in mass 3D printing and robotics, we could eliminate most manufacturing jobs as well. Retail Sales – With services like Amazon Drone, much of the retail sector (including grocery retail) would also go online. What cannot be fully automated in the short term due to a lack of technology would be consumed by highly automated mega stores of large retail groups. Since sales would be automated, the production and sales systems would gradually become much more efficient and many jobs would be destroyed. Note that these three points alone are about automating most of the manufacturing, transportation, and sales. Let’s also talk about services: Doctors (for the diagnostic part of health care) – A doctor follows a set procedure while making a diagnosis. He takes some physical symptoms, a medical history, gets some tests done and makes a diagnosis based on all of this, his knowledge (from medical school) and his experience. This part can be largely automated. In fact, a “pocket of experience” encompassing all of everyone’s medical problems could create a diagnostic system better than most doctors. I see no reason why we shouldn’t be able to build such a system in fifty years. Teacher – Before you get impatient, listen to me first. The most “human” aspect of teaching is answering students’ questions. A machine cannot understand the subject and cannot answer a complicated question, you say. But these complicated questions are asked in millions of classrooms around the world every year. If we could pool this knowledge, we could develop a system that could precisely answer students’ questions based on past data. Even if the student asks a new question, we could use real teachers (online, of course), but since this would happen for less, say 0.1% questions, we would only need 0.1% of the current teaching assignments. Book Publishers – The cost of publishing and distributing a physical book is too high. This is one of the reasons why authors traditionally published ten 300-page books instead of three hundred ten-page articles. Now, if we had the internet, we would just have big knowledge-sharing platforms where people would write content shorter than a book (Quora is one of the many ways to think of this platform). While the authors might still have businesses, publishing and distribution would be automated. Bank teller – With further advances in automated banking solutions, there would be no jobs for people dealing with physical currency in physical bank branches. Foreign Currency Agents – With electronic money penetrating even into developing countries, we simply no longer need to exchange currency before a trip. Personally, I believe (rather hope) that we can completely phase out physical currencies in the near future. These are just a few of the different types of jobs off the top of my head that won’t be needed in the future. As I said at the beginning, I really believe that we will be able to automate a large majority of our Who enough
(79 People Likes) You broke the law, people can see that. Why should you get the same as honest men like me?
what am I? Punishment? wages? Respect? Inflatable dolls? Just because a law was broken doesn’t make them bad people. The people who hid Anne Frank broke the law. I race at times, but technically I’m also in law enforcement and I regularly donate to charity. I’m trying to understand who they are and what they are capable of. not everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves
(78 Likes) Do voodoo dolls really work?
ad a relative who was successful insurance agent up north, up north at the time somewhere north of Kentucky. She had failed because of alcoholism and had no other option, moving into Mr. and Mrs. B’s basement with her two young daughters, with whom I often played. It was meant to be temporary, but the bottle had her firmly in her grip, so she lingered on her greeting for too long, causing conflict between her and Mr. B., who was one of the nicest guys I’ve ever known, but he had enough. One day she came to visit my mother and she was quite enlightened, alternately crying and cursing Mr. B. She pulled out the aforementioned photograph showing Mr. B’s smooth bald head with snow-white hair, cursing the old SOB ( her words) and took her lit cigarette and burned her head in the picture. She laughed and said to my mom, “Look, wherever his head is burned in this picture, he’s going to have a huge wound in the morning when he wakes up.” Mom was tired of looking after this drunk and asked her to leave politely, which she did. In fact, Mr. B. woke up the next day with blisters and sores all over his bald head, went to the doctor who had no explanation and was treated with ointments or something similar. gave me t 2018 female sex doll When I saw the old man the next day, I shuddered. He healed well, my mother banished the alcoholic self-proclaimed witch from our home and shortly thereafter the witch ended up in council housing. Years later I heard that she died in poor condition from diabetes, amputations and the like. The poor woman could never put it together. It sure made a bi
(28 Likes) Where to buy adult toys that pack it discreetly?
tic Sucking Action™ and SuperSphincter Anus™ are here!!!” emblazoned on the side. Think about it: any place that does this would go out of business in a week.
[1] Except wish. You can get gray market imported sex toys dirt cheap on Wish, but they take them
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